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Amazon Books many of you already know about. Are you aware that they have several other features like: A search list to find it for you; a list of books, including out of print, on those subjects to use with the search list; and Eyes, a notification service to tell you when a new book related to that topic is published?
Hamilton Books only takes checks or money orders, has no phone, but you can print out the order form right off the computer. They have huge discounts - 30% or more - although not all their books, especially the bargain list are on the web. If you have hours and hours to go through 60-160 page newspaper style lists of books at about 80 per page ask for them. You will receive about 1 every two weeks. Otherwise use the search engine.
Shelter Publications Inc., P.O. Box 279, Bolinas, CA 94924 USA has two books of interest to yurt builders. Shelter I and Shelter II. The Shelter Books are both available although II is not on the web site. It is available for $18. Cheaper elsewhere. I think $9 from B&N. Shelter I has a nice section on yurts including the cover. Shelter II also has something to offer.
Scholars Bookshelf has some amazing mail catalogs, mostly on history
and they include the Great Battles VHS series as well as many historical
VHS tapes. French books on the middle ages, knights, and castles are
also available from them. I enjoy doing business with these people.
Right now they are new to the web and only their military catalog is on
it. They have more. Ask for them. Their address is :
The Scholars Bookshelf
110 Melrich Rd.
Cranbury, N.J. 08512
(609)-395-6933 Not a listed number in their catalog.
Barnes and Noble. If you live in a big city, you've probably heard of them. They carry a wide range of books. Many English. Sometimes what looks like a really neat nicely priced medieval book is a nineteenth century reprint with little historical accuracy.
But they do have some great other things too. For example: Archery - Its History and Forms ($25), The Bruce, The Blow by Blow Guide to Swordfighting in the Rennaisance Style, Now Thrive the Armorers, The Tower of London, and other VHS's are available here. There is a searchable database, including many long out of print books still available, often at nice discounts over the principal publisher. A couple of years ago I got a $125 book for $60 by watching their Bookends in the catalog. If you ask for them the catalogs will come at least once a month. 1-800-The-Book
If you like archaeology like I do then there is Oxbow Books from Oxford, England. Their American affiliate is David Brown Book Co. and is emailable off the Oxbow pages. They have both Ancient and Medieval Archaeology books and some you'd never ever see elsewhere in the U.S.. Their Medieval list just came out in May and contains a Mongol page. Currently if you look at some of their pages you might be scared of some of the prices. They are in pounds and someone typed in 3 instead of some of the pound symbols. They are going to fix it. They currently convert the pounds into dollars at 1.8 X pounds to cover transatlantic shipping costs. Some books are cheaper though if they have American or Canadian editions. Order from David Brown Book Co., P.O.511, Oakville, CT 06779 (800) 791-9354.
When I am looking for more esoteric Asian Books or prices to value some I own I go to:
Asian Rare Books.
Then there are: China Books and Periodicals
or: Weatherhill Publishing, which is not for the light of pocket. They sell
new and expensive asian books on many subjects.