A Glossary of
Mongol Terms
- Altan Uruk: Golden clan, Chingis Khan's family
- Anda: Sworn brothers; the members of the Dark Horde
- Arban: A troop of 10, the smallest unit
- Ayil: Camps
- Bagadur: (bahadur) hero or commander, roughly equivalent to a knight
- Bagatur: a venomous fighter, when used following a name it means
the Brave, (Yesugei Bagatur = Yesugei the Brave)
- Baligh: City

- Baran-gar: Army of the Right Wing or West
- Beki: See "Noyan"
- Boghul: Slaves and / or servants
- Boghtaq: A married woman's headdress
- Burqan-qaldun: The sacred mountain
- Captargac: a square food bag
- Ch'agua: Outsiders; not Anda
- Del: The Mongol coat
- Darughachi: Local governor of a conquered land
- Eke-otuken: Earth Mother; aka "Nachigai"
- Erlik Khan: Ruler of the underworld
- Ger: A Mongol tent, sometimes called a "yurt"
- Grut: Boiled sour milk
- GurKhan: War-Leader
- Hanna: The "wall" around the ayil
- Hoyin-irgen: Forest hunters
- Ilkhan: An administrative assistant
- Inju: The KaKhan's personal domain
- Irgun: A region; roughly equivalent to an SCA Principality
- Jagun: A squadron of 100, made up of 10 arbans
- Jalaghu: See "Boghul"
- Jun-gar: Army of the Left Wing, or East
- KaKhan: The leader of the Dark Horde.
- Kelet: A spirit
- Keshik: The Imperial Guard
- Khanate: A local group; roughly equivalent to an SCA household
- Khanum: Feminine form of "Khan"
- Kanum Kotan: The land of evil gods, unseen forces, in northern Siberia
- Khara'ul: Skirmishers
- Khebte'ut: Night watch
- Khol: Army of the Center
- Khorche: Quiver-bearers
- Khumiss: Fermented mare's milk
- Kiyot: The meeting of TarKhans
- Kubi: a Noyan's personal domain
- Kural: The meeting of an Irgun
- Kuraltai: The yearly gathering of the entire Dark Horde
- Kuriyen: A circle; a circular camp
- Maikhan: An early Ger
- Minghan: A regiment of 1,000, made up of 10 jaguns
- Mongke Tengri: the Everlasting Blue Sky; chief deity
- Nachigai: See "Eke-otuken"
- Names: Most Mongolian names consist of two words, first is the
proper name, second is an epithet or clan identification
- Naran: The Sun
- Nokut: pl. Freemen or warriors; sing. "Nokur"
- Noyan: Spokesman of an Irgun; pl. "Noyat"
- Nutuq: Grazing lands
- Obek: See "Khanate"; a clan
- Ongot: pl. Household Gods
- Orkhan: see "GurKhan"
- Paitza: A tablet of authority
- Pignate: Earthen pot, carried by warriors and used for cooking meat
- Poss'lcue: (sp?) A safe-conduct
- Qaracha Arad: Common people
- Qara' utai Tergen or Qasaq-Tergen: wagon tents
- Sechen: Wise
- Shiralgha: The customs of the hunt
- Sulde: The guardian spirit of the Borjigin, believed to reside in the Tugh
- TarKhan: Spokesman of a Khanate
- Tengri: The divine spirits
- Tugh: Battle flag
- Tulughma: A Mongol battle formation
- Tumen: A division of 10,000, made up of 10 minghans
- Turgha'ut: Day guards
- Ulus: a tribal domain; pl. "Ulusut"
- Utagon Subisoon: Sky door; the smoke hole in a Ger
- Unagan Boghul: subservient tribes and clans
- Usun: Family
- Yasa: The Laws of the Horde
- Yasun: A local group; roughly equivalent to an SCA Barony; kindred clans
- Yam: Messenger service
- Yeke mongghol ulus: The empire of the Great Mongols
- Yurt: see "Ger"
References: :
"Compleat Anachronist #54"
Catriona MacPherson
The Dark Horde Khanate Kit
"The Mongols"
E. D. Phillips
Praeger; New York - Washington 1969:

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