(The Dark Horde version!)

Go nastily amid the Peace and Tranquility, and remember what satisfaction there may be in Genocide. As far as possible, without surrender, move into other people's space. Lie often, and loudly, and listen to the lies of others, even the slow and incompetent - examples can be made of them later. * Seek out meek and inoffensive persons: they are annoying, but fun to kill. Do not bother comparing yourself to others: Those greater than you will eventually be eliminated, and those lesser than you are dead already. Fart in Grand Court. * Keep your swords and knives sharp, for all around you are cha'gua, and looking for an excuse to kill you. * Pillage first, then burn, and then rape - it's more romantic by firelight. * Exercise caution around Vikings and Celts. They are crazier than we are: a Celtic Mongol is an awesome thing indeed. Make him or her your Friend. * But let Life not blind you to the happier side of things: most Hats are swaggering, tinplated dictators with delusions of adequacy, and everywhere Life is full of Incompetence. Advance yourself. Especially do not feign meanness, neither be cynical about Hate: you are not likely to run out of either. * Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the joys of defenestration and evisceration for more mature pleasures. Nurture a deep-seated suspicion of chag'ua women with big boobs: you never can tell. File your teeth regularly. Discipline is important: practice holding it in between events. * You are a Scourge of the World, no less than Atilla or the Great Ghengis Himself: you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Known Worlde is going to pieces in a most laudable manner. * Therefore, do your utmost to annoy the Powers-that Be, however you may conceive of Them: BoD, King, or the People's Will; and, whatever your plans of conquest, as you wade thru the morasses of Peace with fire and sword, annoy your Soul. * With all it's Truth, High Resolve, and Courage, the Known World still has it's Ugly Spots and Fubba-Wubbas. Be thoughtless. Strive to be miserable.

-found carved into the back of a MidRealm fighter at Pennsic, AS 23. No damn Copyright. Post no Bills. This means YOU!

Courtesy of Ardjukk Afraid-of-His-Cats and the Western Irgun of the Dark Horde.

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